Mum's last evening in Brunei - my turn to cook.
Beef curry
with baby potatoes,

Roast Chicken (look how juicy the breast is), 2 types of vegetables, roast pumpkin and fried sashimo (as starters). (Mum helped me with the fish as I am very impatient and probably will burn them).

And an enormous sunshine fruit salad for dessert.

And had time to panfry a piece of ribeye to medium rare doneness for my kids' sandwiches tomorrow. With mustard mayonnaise... I've kept it tightly covered in the fridge for now. Just noticed that the steak seems to be on the tablecloth but if you look closely, you just may spot the glass plate. Must admit that it did take me aback!

p.s I'm afraid this will be the last post until my picture bank (when oh when) is increased - yup, these un-sized pics have used up every bit of space I had in this blog. (and thank you, Reeds, for helping me yesterday)..
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