Friday, October 5, 2007

Thurs, 4th Oct 2007

I cooked Sockeye salmon (brain food) for dinner last night at Wm's home.
Same method and marinade as the last time I made it.
It was heavily seasoned before being panfried/baked and it was served with simple lemon wedges and light drizzles of oil left in the pan, with was very tasty with all the seasoning from the fish.

Dom's plate.
His guest, M's plate.
We also had sliced cucumbers,
Some boiled/baked potatoes. (Wm bought more than 2 kgs of potatoes, thinking they would be some leftover for the following day but we ate them all - we weren't counting but Wm and I thought Mark must have had at least 7 potatoes). This is only a small portion, the rest were in the kitchen.
and a plate of sauteed carrots/okra/onions.
And before too long,

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