Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stuffed Mushrooms

After watching someone make this on Come Dine with Me, Mark asked for some. So here is my first attempt with Stuffed Mushrooms. A quick peek here for more and I've adjusted the recipes slightly as I always do.

First, put aside the ingredients:
1. Mushrooms, remove stems and use a melon baller to remove some of the gills. Season with salt, pepper, marjoram & tarragon and olive oil
2. Chop stems and gills finely and put aside
3. Chop half an onion and 2 pips of garlic finely
4. Some breadcrumbs
5. Bacon, chopped and fried till lightly crisp and drained. For a halal version, just use beef bacon.
6. Parmesan cheese
7. Mozarella cheese


1. Fry mushrooms and put aside. Make sure you mop up the mushroom juices with a paper towel which will accumulate in the caps before stuffing them.
2. Fry garlic and onion with olive oil & butter till fragrant, add more herbs, salt & pepper. Add chopped mushroom stems and gills. Add breadcrumbs.
3. Add fried bacon. At this stage I still didn't know what I was doing. The mixture looked a bit dry so I added a splash more olive oil.
4. Smells great by now - remove from pan, and add parmesan cheese. (Mixture was still a bit dry - I will add a dash of cream next time).
5. Place mushrooms in an ovenproof dish, stuff them and top with mozarella cheese.
6. Bake for 15 minutes and serve.
Overall I thought the taste was great, the mushrooms were juicy and just cooked and the topping was crunchy and cheesy, but the stuffing was a tad dry. Kids loved this. So here's Mark, having his first course and Hazel having her meal in reverse, second course (fried noodles) first, and mushrooms later.

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