Add the raw chicken and let the water come to a boil. Turn heat down and simmer gently for 20 mins. Turn heat off and let chicken sit in the hot stock till it is cooled.

Next remove chicken and reduce stock gently. Put chicken in the fridge to cool. And debone it and return it into the fridge. Just before serving, pour a few tablespoons of cool stock over chicken and add fried garlic chips and oil. Garnish with chopped chinese parsley.
Been still reading, just not commenting as much. The rate of your posts is phenomenal! I have a friend getting married in July (in Brunei) so I just may drop by. If I do, I'm definitely going to pick your brain for where to go get some good grub =D
Hi DBS - email me please once your trip is firm - I'll be glad to let you know my fave places to eat at. E.
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