I've eaten this at Z's house on a few occasions but have not heard of nor seen this dish anywhere else. I wonder if any of you have tried this?

I added prawns, fish cake, parsley, lots of minced dried prawns, garlic, shallots, white pepper and salt but absolutely no soy sauce (it is called Meehoon putih - white - for a reason).
Wm, P, Dom & Kf liked it too.

aiyooohhh this one really make my mouth water la!!! darn! I forgot my mental note not to visit when hungry!
hehe - I take it that you liked the post then? Btw, do you have any idea why so many lines are appearing on my photos? I've looked through my old pics and none of them has these odd lines running across?? What am I doing or not doing? E.
I think that's Blogger's doing when you upload images using Blogger.
We've been having Tang Hoon for the past few days for catering during our training, but I dunno, it still looks weird to me.
Meehoon, if done right, is awesome. Done wrong, with lots and lots of bean sprouts, makes my appetite go away just by looking at it.
Hi SJ - I wonder if any others using blogger is having the same problem...... (Best part of trainings - the breaks!)...
E: Do the original pics have lines? or just when uploaded to Blogger? If original oso got lines, its time to get a new camera hehehe!
AB, no lines on original pics....
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