Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tues, 15th May 2007

Soto again. This was my lunch - a takeaway from Soto Rossmini in Gadong.

Here is some meehoon, the soup with a piece of fried chicken, fried egg, raw chyesim and beef pieces, limes and chilli paste all individually packed.

Put everything into a bowl, snip meehoon into tiny pieces with a pair of scissors, add a squeeze of lime over. (Discard lime after photo shoot).

Bung into microwave for 2 minutes.

Put kitchen towel over work jacket and shirt. Eat piping hot and it's ok to slurp - no one's here.
The reason I snip the meehoon into little pieces is so that I can eat my soto with a spoon in my right hand, leaving my left hand free to turn the pages of the paper!

1 comment:

Sas Monroe said...

yeeman, where is this place? the soto looks sooo good!