Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sat, 25th Aug 2007

I already had the ingredients so here is what my kids had for their dinner on Saturday night.
Roast beef with jacket potatoes and spinach.
Lovely camera skills.

The beef was simply marinated with salt/black pepper, olive oil, garlic and onions. I'm constantly saying this, but here it goes again, baste constantly, low heat, long roasting and you will get tender delicious meat like this, it simply melts in the mouth with no hint of toughness or fibre (so common in restaurants nowadays) with a delicious 'fresh beef' taste..

Jackets stripped.

Just help yourself to a plate of meat (don't forget the hot English mustard) and a large glass of cab sav and you're all set for the night.

Gravy is just plain old pan juices.

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