Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dinner Party - Sat, 9th Aug 2008

I had a very informal dinner party in honour of the Js with C & D joining us. I cooked a beef shank curry with potatoes, fillet of meat with shredded ginger, roasted Chinese style chicken, prawn & onion omelette, spinach with garlic & a French beans/tomato cold dish. We also had some popadums, rotis and rice. Oh dear, it's almost 2 am and I just had a 'little bite' to eat.

After dinner, we planned activities for the following 10 days, played Bingo with the children (winner wins chocolates), and had some creamy coffees.
And here's Hazel with C & M Js with Mark as the photographer. The children also played some games on the PC, guitar hero on DS/PS2 and card games.
A very pleasant evening indeed it was.

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