Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Airline/Airport Meals Part 3

And on board we go...
Shortly after takeoff, and the obligatory safety announcements, settling down, etc, etc; dinner was served - what was available? There was a prawn salad,
and a choice of wok fried beef, seafood or pasta for mains
I had pre-ordered a steak (gasp!) but when they noticed I hardly touched it; it was changed for the gratinated seafood which explains why there are 2 main courses here,
and chocolate gateau for dessert
with cheese and coffee/tea.
Lights were dimmed after dinner and I think I must be the only person awake *why :-)* in the entire cabin along with a poor little baby who was yelling her head off and her exhausted mother. I smiled and mouthed 'it's ok' in sympathy at exhausted mother and cabin crew gave me a pair of earplugs. The hours passed quite quickly from reading just about every single magazine available including Men's Health, sipping water and flicking channels; baby quietened down or passed out from exhaustion and I had a little 2 hr snooze, had some green tea; and before too long I had a little snack.
A Smoked Salmon with Macarspone Cheese on Toasted Sesame bun
And (I hope you are still with me) :-) 2.5 hours before touchdown, breakfast was served. A range of cereals in individual bowls were offered on a trolley with the fruits. Baby (a toddler actually) by now was awake and very cheerful after being changed and was wandering unsteadily between her parents' seats. Her brother with headphones firmly clamped on enjoyed his breakfast watching a cartoon.
And before too long, the flight was over - approx 13 hours later.

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