Monday, December 31, 2007

Day 4 - Christmas Eve - Sunway Lagoon

With 3 kids and fil in tow, we set off to Sunway Lagoon shortly after lunch. As it was Msian school hols as well, the place was packed to the brim.
I thought I could pop next door to shop for a few hours but wrong, they had a 'no return' policy so what choice did I have but to park myself on a bar stool and have a beer. First one with fil. Shortly after, he wandered off for a snooze on a deckchair.
Several hours later, with the children appearing asking for food or drink intermittently; same spot, different beer.

You know you are really really bored when you start taking photos of your feet.
The skies opened at around 5 pm and mid-way back to the apartment, traffic jams and floods greeted us. We all said our silent prayers as we crossed this perilous flooded road with rushing muddy waters.

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