Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

I hope everyone had a great one! We had a BBQ, lots of card games, word games, fireworks & pot clanging at midnight, wine, laughter and merriment.
What did we have?
Pea Shoots, Baby Corn & Carrots sauteed in garlic and tossed in Balsamic Vinegar/olive oil. Topped with Grilled Red Peppers and Sesame Seeds. Very healthy.
Some panfried potatoes with rosemary & garlic.

Table shot - I had to crop the chicken drumsticks as they suffered the typical BBQ syndrome.
Ribeye Steaks with a lot of English Mustard - quite thinly cut by SS.

Cauliflower tossed in flavoured breadcrumbs with olive oil/butter.

Oh dear I have seriously let myself GO since September - 4 glorious months of excesses - at least 8 kgs weight gain, total inability to wear anything except my fattest/baggiest clothes; I wonder if it is now timely for a detox and attempt at healthier eating. I'll have a little think I think. Here I am in my fabulous party togs last night. CHUNKY extreme comes to mind. Jac, HELP! Or signing up and here? I LOVED the trial class although it left me aching for days - hehe.
(photo removed - LOL!)

Here is wishing everyone reading this a fabulous year ahead with lots of love, laughter, happiness, fun, and food!

LIVE life.


nikkita said...

Happy new year! Gosh I've gained 7 kgs myself the past months. Maybe it's the food blogging thing?! hehe. Can't fit into my clothes either, and fully sympathize with you, E. My remedy is to "borrow" my hubby's clothes :-D I think I'll sign up to ol-school aerobics to get the metabolism running. The kick boxing link you gave looks like a pain!(*chicken clucking sounds*) ^_^

Foodie Tales said...

Happy New Year, Nikkita! So glad to hear I am not the only one - LOL. Food blogging has a price to pay - all the kitchen experiments, eating and tasting and trying everything in sight - hehe. The kickboxing thingy was seriously good fun although I was staring at the Task Master Coach in disbelief throughout most of the class (you want me to do WHAT and how many REPS??) but the cardio workout was incredible. His key word is BURN. haha - good luck in your exercise routine! E :-)