Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tues, 11th Sept 2007

So Z rang around 4ish and we chatted about this and that for about 10 mins, and suddenly the conversation went:
Z: So what are you doing now?
Me: Talking to you. (squinting at the gobbledegook on the monitor)
Z: Aren't you supposed to be working?
Me: Yeah, you rang me so I have no choice but to entertain you.
Z: Actually I'm asking if you can come over now.
Me: NOW? (one eye still on the screen and the other on the clock on the bottom right corner)
Z: Yeah, I got soto ayam.
Me: hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah!!!!! Got the potato thing or not?
Z: The full works.
Me: Wait - let me get C to man the phones and I will be on my way!!!!!

5.10 pm - Arrives Z's house.

And ate:
Round 1
Round 2

Round 3
p.s I went into the kitchen for piping hot soup - I'm Cantonese remember and we like our soups, BOILING HOT.

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