Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sat, 22nd Sept 2007

So how did last night's dinner go? Here is yet again another picture of a table heaving with food.
We had Mum's sticky 'new year' pot filled with the ingredients described shown in the last post. By the way, ladies, fish maw is reputed to be full of collagen, which taken in reasonable quantities, is very good for the skin.... fact or fiction? I don't know but I love it anyways.
A 7-star garoupa (bought live), steamed with lots of spring onions and ginger.
Roast Duck (bought).

Butter Chicken (bought).

Oaty butter prawns (cooked by Wm).

Satay (bought)

And an early cake which Hazel organised on the secret for me, last week she got Wm to take her to the Sheraton, chose and paid for the cake with her pocket-money, and got Dom to take her there to collect the cake yesterday and sneaked it into the fridge while I was having a snooze before dinner. *beams* - yes, isn't that the sweetest thing? And she's only 9!

I received cards and presents too! (Face cream from Mark).

And of course, we must have this.
And here are my kids doing a funny dance for me, I used one of the coupons in the card which Hazel bought.
Thank you to Mum and Wm who organised last night's dinner and for a change, I didn't have to lift a finger! All I did was watch Tv with a champagne flute in my hand until dinner was ready.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you were enjoyin and relaxing yourself for a change :-)A shame I missed dinner but thanks for asking me over. Hope you had a great time :-)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! The butter chicken and prawns look amaaaazing. Not a fan of sticky 'new year' pot - I'm a poor example of a HK girl :P Bruneian born and bred baby :)

Hazel is the sweetest 9 year old! What kind of cake was it?!? (Most important question in my opinion haha)

Anonymous said...

Hi, wish we could all be there to share the evening. But by looking into your blog daily makes us feel very connected. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR NEXT WEEK. JS

Foodie Tales said...

Hey M, shame, perhaps next Chinese New Year you can try Mum's sticky pot. I had a really good evening.ym

Foodie Tales said...

Hello Sil Thank you!!!! Let me remain 33, no 35 or was it 37? for 2 more days before I turn a year older :D The cake was a chocolate truffle cake - oh boy, was it rich and dense and chocolatey........ ee

Foodie Tales said...

JS, hehe - it's on a weekday and a busy week at work, so I guess it will have to be a quiet 'real' birthday. But roll on Saturday!!! ym

the lazy turtle said...

happy (advanced) birthday!

Foodie Tales said...

Thank you Amani!