Served with a sweet dessert wine.
Tin Sockeye Salmon (from Vancouver) Mayonnaise with finely diced sweet red onion, red and yellow peppers.

Tomato Salsa is easy to make - diced tomato (remove seeds), cilantro, sweet red onion (or shallots), chillies, lemon juice, salt, black pepper and olive oil.

And here I am right now (waiting for my hair to dry) - just 5 hours to go before I hit the bootsale - I want to complete my Jodi Picoult collection of books.

Hi E,
Beautiful spread you had there ! I just got some smoked oysters in tin, I'll try to make some salsa to go with it =D. Any luck @ the boot sales ?
Lynn xo
Hello Lynn - thank you very much, it really was a quick/easy meal to plan/prepare/cook/serve. I do hope you will like the combination of smoked oysters/tomato salsa. Do let me know how it turns out. I plan to make a grilled prawns with mango salsa at my next dinner party. And I managed to buy 7 good books at the sales! But unfortunately no JP to add to my collection. Best regard,E.
Hi E,
I made some salsa last night, it was great w/oysters & taco chips. I'm waiting for yr mango salsa to go with grilled shrimps soon. Thanks.
Do you mind sharing your ginger chicken wine recipe ? Do you use sweet rice wine or sake ?
I think this is a perfect dish for True White North right now =DDD
It's sooooo cold here !
Lynn xo
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